To keep attention on substance use disorder and the recovery efforts needed to overcome the disease, U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) recently proposed a bipartisan resolution that would recognize September as National Recovery Month.

“While the number of fatal overdoses thankfully has begun to decline in West Virginia and across the nation, far too many individuals are still being impacted by substance abuse,” Sen. Capito said on Monday. “My hope is that by recognizing those who are in recovery — or on the road to recovery — from drug and alcohol addiction, we are providing a path forward for those still living with addiction.”

Senate Resolution 859, which Sen. Capito sponsored on Sept. 25, is sponsored by U.S. Sen. Angus King (I-ME) to resolve that the U.S. Senate recognizes the importance of patient, provider, and societal education for the prevention of substance use disorder, and supports efforts to explore the means by which integrated care, community, and helping individuals obtain a sense of purpose can lead to effective and sustainable treatment of substance use disorder, according to the text of the resolution.

“In addition, the resolution rightfully highlights the vital role family members, friends, and communities play in this process,” added Sen. Capito.

Sen. King pointed out that Americans are losing too many of their loved ones to substance use disorder, leaving families scarred. 

“The good news is we have started to see declines in overdose deaths, but we cannot let up on our efforts to provide quality care and support,” he said. “This resolution recognizes our commitment to those struggling with substance use disorder and is another step forward in working together to save lives in Maine and across the country.”