Although they both say they are concerned about the southern border, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., were not in agreement on the failed impeachment attempt of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate killed two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas that were passed by the Republican-controlled U.S. House.

Manchin joined fellow Democrats in killing the articles of impeachment. But he said he’s concerned about the border — and cast blame both at Republicans and President Joe Biden.

“Illegal immigration across our Southern Border is the most dangerous threat facing our country today and President Biden is responsible for allowing the situation to get out-of-hand,” Manchin said in a statement after the Senate voted to kill the impeachment articles. “However, my Republican friends in Congress also bear the responsibility of making it worse by refusing to even vote for one of the strongest, most sensible border security bills in decades that was endorsed by the 18,000 Border Patrol agents fighting every day to secure our country.”

Manchin said the GOP-controlled House sought to impeach a cabinet official over a policy disagreement with Biden.

“I voted to dismiss the articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas to avoid setting the dangerous precedent that this solemn process could be weaponized again against future administration officials to score cheap political points,” Manchin added. “I believe in American democracy and the American people’s ability to settle our policy disputes at the ballot box in November. I urge every American to make their voice heard in the upcoming election because it is clear that the political parties in Washington are broken and will not fix themselves.”

Capito, meanwhile, voted in support of the articles of impeachment, and wanted to see a full trial in the U.S. Senate for Mayorkas.

“It is the constitutional duty given to the U.S. Senate to try all impeachments,” Capito said. “That’s why the Senate has held some form of a trial for every impeachment in our history, unless the federal officer resigned prior to a trial. This time should have been no different. I am disappointed in Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats for their inability to follow the Senate rules. It is truly unprecedented. Even the presiding officer, Democrat Senator Patty Murray, said this move would set a precedent, which could have long-term ramifications. Secretary Mayorkas has repeatedly failed to uphold the law and secure our southern border.”

Capito said the actions by Democrats to prevent the Senate from holding a trial and hearing evidence was not only “unconscionable,” but also a disservice to the American people.

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, D-Va., also voted to kill the two articles of impeachment.

“This is the textbook definition of a political stunt designed to distract from congressional Republicans’ failure to properly address issues at the border,” Kaine said. “After months of negotiations led to a solid and bipartisan border reform package, Republicans abandoned their own work product after Donald Trump criticized it. Then, they decided to impeach the same person, Alejandro Mayorkas, who they had relied on to craft the bipartisan deal. It’s clear that many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle would rather score political points on the border at every turn than be a part of the solution. I stand ready to work with anyone who wants to actually work together in a bipartisan way to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system.”

U.S. Senator Mark Warner, D-Va., also voted against the articles of impeachment, which he called “pointless.”

“I’m glad to see us move on from that totally pointless impeachment hearing,” Warner said. “It’s time to get back to work on the things that matter: creating middle class jobs, protecting our election security, and keeping our word to our partners abroad.”