Multiple communities in West Virginia will see significant funding for various projects with the help of federal RAISE grants.
The cities of Martinsburg, Morgantown, and Cedar Grove, as well as the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Public Transmit will be receiving funding, according to the office of U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito. Capito advocated for the funds as a leader of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
The four projects and their RAISE grant funding are as follows:
- $20,820,536 to the Martinsburg Greenway Trail project, which will see the construction of 6.2 miles of multi-use trails following the Tuscarora Creek, connecting to the WV Route 9 regional bike trail. The project will also see around 20 improved trail crossings, and the cleanup and removal of abandoned structures.
- $8,000,000 to the Multimodal Morgantown project, which focuses on Dorsey Avenue to Downtown. The project will modernize roadways along Dorsey Avenue and South High Street with intersection redesigns, improved pedestrian crossings, and bus facility improvements.
- $489,750 to the West Virginia Department of Transportation Division of Public Transmit for its Fixed Stop Transmit Accessibility Study. This study aims to map and inventory locations and features of fixed route transit stops in West Virginia with a peer review of other systems. The project will also review both local and federal designs of bus stop design standards.
- $3,000,000 to the town of Cedar Grove for its Vibrant Infrastructure for a Thriving, Accessible, and Livable Cedar Grove project. This project will redesign the town’s municipal street network by developing an annual street maintenance plan.