Washington D.C. (WTRF) – Fighting continues in both the Ukraine-Russia war and Israel’s conflict with Hamas, but continued U.S. support for those conflicts has hit a roadblock in the U.S. Senate.

The proposed bill would send 110.5 billion dollars to Ukraine, Israel, and several Indo-Pacific countries, notably Taiwan, who are concerned about further Chinese encroachment.

Senate Republicans have stalled the bill to get money for security on the U.S.-Mexico border, which is seeing record numbers of illegal crossings along with drug and sex trafficking.

West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito is pushing the Senate to pass the funding bill for Ukraine and Israel, calling it vital to our national security. She believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin could continue his military push westward into NATO countries, which would require not only more U.S. tax money but would lead to U.S. troops being put on the ground.

“It is in our best interest, no doubt, to degrade the Russian army, government and ruling structure there. And so because of that I think that, and I believe that’s the prevailing opinion of the majority here. There’s some people who want to stop funding, I’m not one of those.”


Senator Capito believes a deal will ultimately be reached in the Senate but doesn’t think it will happen in the next 48 hours.

Senator Capito is also pushing for increased security at the U.S.-Mexico border, saying that U.S. national security is in jeopardy if we cannot properly secure the border.