Sen. Shelley Moore Capito has joined her peers in reintroducing a bill to strengthen measures to combat sexual assault on college campuses.

Capito, R-W.Va., said last week she recently joined senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., to reintroduce the bipartisan, bicameral Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA).

The act seeks to protect students by providing them with additional resources and strengthening colleges’ accountability and transparency standards, Capito said.

“The Campus Accountability and Safety Act cements standards that strengthen the response to sexual assault crimes, bolster protections for survivors and ensure transparency throughout the process,” she said. “I’m proud to join my colleagues and reintroduce this legislation on behalf of our students in West Virginia.”

The Campus Accountability and Safety Act would increase requirements under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act to make colleges more transparent in reporting sexual assault or abuse cases. It would also establish the requirement of a campus safety website where students can view all data reported by the institution; how to contact the Title IX coordinator and similar officials; and instructions on how to file a complaint.

The act calls for the establishment of campus resources and support services for survivors of campus sexual assault, including coordinators to provide information and coordinate support services and a process to adjudicate sexual assault cases.

It would also require campus personnel to receive proper training, as well as create a competitive grant program to help colleges address and prevent sexual violence.

Capito said she has been a consistent advocate for the act for the past three sessions of Congress.