Charleston, W.Va. (WTRF)- U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $1,900,000 in federal funding for Grandview Doolin Public Service District in Proctor, West Virginia.

This funding was made available through the Economic Development Administration (EDA) and will be used for water infrastructure to provide potable water service to industrial customers in Marshall County.

Additionally, this EDA investment, which will be located in an Opportunity Zone, will be matched with $1.3 million in local investment and is expected to spur $135 million in private investment.

“West Virginians deserve access to clean water and reliable infrastructure to deliver it to our homes and businesses. Investments like this from the EDA help make these improvements, while also spurring economic development and improving the lives of West Virginians. As chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I have fought to ensure West Virginia receives the support we need to improve our infrastructure both above and below the ground. EDA has been a steadfast partner in this mission, and I am grateful for their continuous support to our state. This project will help fuel local economies by utilizing Opportunity Zones, and I look forward to its implementation in Marshall County,” said Senator Capito.

“Creating jobs and opportunities across West Virginia is a top priority of mine, and I am pleased to see the EDA investing in Marshall County. In April I supported this project application, and now this funding will support infrastructure upgrades that will help industrial users in the area retain and create approximately 75 jobs, leverage more than $100 million in private follow-on investment, and allow for the development of additional commercial and industrial sites. West Virginia and our federal partners must continue investing in infrastructure projects like this to attract new companies and grow existing businesses in our state. I will continue working with the EDA and other agencies to ensure West Virginia continues to see infrastructure investments,” said Senator Manchin.