The past year and a half was a time of important accomplishments that will help improve the lives of West Virginians. When Congress passed tax reform legislation at the end of last year, we promised it would help workers and families keep more of their hard-earned money. We promised it would help our businesses compete, reinvest in our economy, and pass benefits down to their employees. We promised it would create new opportunities for growth in our communities.

Now, those promises are being fulfilled.

As I have traveled across the state in recent months, I’ve seen small businesses able to expand and hire more employees. I’ve heard stories about families who are better able to invest in their children’s education. I’ve even seen how extra money in their paychecks have helped some individuals donate more to local charities and community priorities.

But it’s important that we continue working together to find new solutions that will help move our state forward. That’s why I recently launched a new initiative called “Share Your Stories.”

I created this initiative because you know better than anyone else how what we are doing in Washington is benefiting you and your neighbors. I want to hear what’s working and what’s not.

I want to hear about the positive changes you are seeing in your communities, as well as the changes you still want to see.

Since launching “Share Your Stories,” I’ve already heard from quite a few West Virginians — and many from the Northern Panhandle area. Take Mary Beth for an example. Mary Beth shared her experience about receiving a bigger retirement check following the passage and signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Our old tax code was outdated, it was complicated, and it just wasn’t working for so many West Virginians and Americans across the country.

Tax reform was a big deal for Mary Beth and her family. In her note to me, she explained that they are now able to take this extra money and pay their electric bills. Every dollar counts, and for Mary Beth’s family, these extra dollars are certainly not crumbs.

I look forward to hearing more of these stories. And more importantly, I look forward to taking your stories and your experiences back to Washington and delivering even more reforms that will positively impact your lives.

Share your stories by visiting my “Share Your Stories” webpage: or you can connect with me on social media by following me on Twitter (@SenCapito), Facebook (@SenShelley), or Instagram (@SenCapito).

And if you have limited internet access, contact one of my offices by mail or phone.

The Washington address and phone number are:

Senator Shelley Moore Capito
172 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6472.

Or, the Charleston office:

500 Virginia Street East
Suite 950
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: 304-347-5372.