(WTRF) – Lawmakers in Washington continue to try and pass some kind of infrastructure package, but it isn’t proving easy.

Earlier this week the Senate Republicans voted down the latest attempt to move forward on a package, saying that Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was trying to rush the process. Keep in mind, there was no actual bill put forth to read prior to the vote.

We spoke to West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito about the negotiations, who has been front and center for Republicans on this issue. She says she won’t vote for something she hasn’t read, but thinks we’ll see something soon.

She also says her top priority is to look for what West Virginia is getting in the deal, and used transit as an example.

“Transit has gotten over 40 billion dollars during this pandemic, and still has about 38 billion dollars yet to spend. However the President wants to spend close to another 100 billion on transit. What does that mean? That means concentrated transportation dollars in our urban and big cities, that means rural America has very little chance of trying to figure out our transportation issues in terms of any kind of mass transit or things of that nature.”


Senator Capito also worries about waste when it comes to these large multi-trillion dollar spending packages, as well as a fear they could further worsen inflation.