U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., has secured $10,269,000 in funds through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for major upgrades to the city’s wastewater treatment system.

The project will include upgrades to the city’s wastewater treatment plant and pump stations serving the downtown area and Hooverson Heights and the separation of combined sanitary and stormwater sewer lines.

The city is among many ordered by the federal Environmental Protection Agency to separate the lines to address the risk of raw sewage being discharged into waterways when the combined systems become overtaxed by heavy rain.

A local match for the project is being supported by the sale of $2.8 million in bonds.

Three bids received recently for the project were referred for review by Ghosh Engineering, which designed the projec,; and the city’s sewer board, which is slated to meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

“I was proud to use my position (as ranking member) on the (Senate’s) environmental and public works and appropriations committees to advocate for and secure this award to support Follansbee in its mission to improve its wastewater system,” Capito said.

“This funding, at the request of the city, will help modernize their water infrastructure in a way that will allow it to be more efficient, meet modern sanitation standards, and better serve its residents in the Northern Panhandle.”