BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. – The second day of the West Virginia County Clerks Conference was held on Monday in Bridgeport.

The conference featured guest speakers West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito and U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, who attended virtually.

On Monday, the conference focused on legal and legislative updates, as well as updates to the statewide voter registration system.

Secretary Warner commended county clerks for their work in the 2020 election, while Senator Capito plans to keep fighting for voting rights to stay local to West Virginia.

“To know that we’re in that top, elite, part of the United States, being recognized. I’ve been called to Congress twice to talk about the successes in West Virginia, what we did right, our lessons learned, what we might share with other states,” said Secretary Warner.

“West Virginia has mobile voting for our veterans and for our folks with disabilities. S.1 gets rid of that. I think West Virginia does a good job with that. We have voter ID, S.1 gets rid of that. What’s wrong with bringing an ID to make sure you have a safe and valid election?” said Senator Capito.

The conference will finish up on Tuesday.