We applaud U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito, who helped to lead a bipartisan group of senators to basically disable a panel trying to drastically change the VA health care system.

Let’s be clear that we fully understand that the VA health care system needs some revitalization. And we believe Manchin, Capito and the other senators would agree.

But the changes being recommended by the Veterans Affairs Asset and Infrastructure Review Commission (AIR) would have hurt health care that veterans in West Virginia and other rural states are currently receiving.

The recommendations would have forced our veterans to travel to bigger cities to receive care. And for many, if not most, that would have added significant burdens, costs and stress.

“As senators, we share a commitment to expanding and strengthening modern VA infrastructure in a way that upholds our obligations to America’s veterans. We believe the recommendations put forth to the AIR Commission are not reflective of that goal, and would put veterans in both rural and urban areas at a disadvantage, which is why we are announcing that this process does not have our support and will not move forward,” the senators said in a joint prepared statement.

“The commission is not necessary for our continued push to invest in VA health infrastructure, and together we remain dedicated to providing the department with the resources and tools it needs to continue delivering quality care and earned services to veterans in 21st-century facilities — now and into the future.”

We believe these senators are clearly focused on what matters and provide direction that those in the VA health care division should be following.

Our veterans have stood tall in the face of challenges. Many have served in combat situations and deal with both the mental and physical scars from their service to country.

There is no question that the VA health care system can be improved. It can be made more efficient and provide better care in some circumstances.

But the AIR recommendations were misguided from the start and would do more harm than good.

Our veterans deserve better. We’re glad these senators were brave enough to say so.

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