The Biden Administration is showering far and wide more than $1 trillion in climate largesse from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Still, who could have thought that taxpayer funds would flow to a left-wing group that thinks “climate justice” involves everything from freeing Palestine to dismantling capitalism?
That’s the discovery made by West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito’s office. Democrats appropriated $3 billion in the IRA to the Environmental Protection Agency for “environmental justice” grants, including $600 million for a “national grantmaker” program. In December the EPA awarded $50 million to Climate Justice Alliance, a network of nearly 90 affiliates, which plans to use the money to “resource community-based organizations (CBOs) to address past, current, and future environmental health and justice challenges.”
What else does Climate Justice Alliance do? Last November it helped to coordinate a “March on Washington,” where protesters waved the banner “Free Palestine Is a Climate Justice Issue.” Other slogans included “Our Government Funds Palestinian Genocide” and “Only Socialist Revolution Can Stop World War III.”
The group’s website includes a “Free Palestine” section, with a video that uses “an anti-colonial framework to show how Climate Justice and the liberation of Palestine are connected.” It doesn’t disappoint. “Climate change did not begin with the burning of fossil fuels,” the narrator says. “It began with settler colonialism, imperialism and extractivism.” He asks viewers “to demand that we cut military funding to Israel and begin the process of demilitarization, so that we can all be free.”
Climate Justice Alliance’s website also offers a collection of anti-Israel art “that you are invited to use for Palestine solidarity protest actions.” One shows a bulldozer tearing down an Israeli fence. Another has a man waving a Palestinian flag standing atop a tank, with the quotation: “Where there is oppression, there will be resistance.” That line is attributed to Assata Shakur, who fled the U.S. to Cuba after being convicted of murdering a New Jersey state trooper in 1973. A third poster says: “Abolish Prisons Everywhere.”
The group has echoed calls to shut down Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, such as in a 2020 blog post. “Why is it important, as we figure out how to stop contributing to climate change and how to adapt to climate change, to also figure out how to abolish ICE or dismantle racist institutions?” it asks. “The key is, they all work together to support this broken system and the status quo.”
In disbursing the EPA’s $50 million, Climate Justice Alliance plans to work with the NDN Collective. That group published a manifesto in 2022 that argues: “We should not treat the struggles we face against zionism, white supremacy, and imperialism as separate from one another, because they act as one to oppress and eliminate us.”
Climate Justice Alliance has a member called Grassroots Global Justice Alliance. It includes a working group called DemilitaRISE, which aims to “move resources away from police, prisons, the Pentagon, and war, and invest in Black, Brown, and Indigenous-led restorative justice, reparations, community leadership, and collective healing.”
A Global Justice Alliance video of a 2022 protest at the United Nations COP27 climate confab shows a sign saying, “Militarism is the # 1 polluter, killer, colonizer.” A speaker argued the military “is the avenue through which indigenous peoples are dehumanized,” and it protects “capitalism and colonialism, and capitalism and colonialism cause climate change.”
In other words, banishing fossil fuels won’t be enough to arrest rising temperatures and sea levels. Israel, the military, the police, immigration enforcement, prisons, and capitalism all will have to go, too. The EPA is funding radicals whose aim is to sow division and dismantle U.S. institutions.
Climate Justice Alliance’s website says that “more than $3 trillion will move through federal agencies” from the IRA and Congress’s 2021 infrastructure law, and “now is the time for grassroots organizations to influence the direction of, and step into governance of, these monies.” It’s no surprise that radicals are trying to get the money, but it’s disturbing that the Administration would give it to them.
The charitable explanation is that the Biden Administration, in its rush to hand out taxpayers dollars, isn’t scrutinizing the recipients. More worrisome is the idea that federal officials might agree with them.