MORGANTOWN — Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Mignon Clyburn joined Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., at WVU on Oct. 3, to talk about the challenges and solutions to providing broadband access in rural states.
Following a closed roundtable at the Media Innovation Center, Clyburn and Capito spoke to the press.
Clyburn recognized the obstacle private companies face in delivering service to remote, sparsely populated areas. “Companies will not invest where there are more cornstalks than people.”
The government’s role is to offer incentives through such things as public-private partnerships, the Connect America Fund and Mobility Fund Phase II for the expansion of mobile broadband networks.
“Broadband connectivity is going to be the lifeblood of any community. Without it, you cannot have access to education or healthcare or other opportunities. And there are too many communities without it.”
From WVU, Capito and Clyburn headed to the Preston Memorial Hospital in Kingwood to learn about rural healthcare delivery.