The Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary helped celebrate Emma Arbutus Clay’s 104th birthday.

Born April 8, 1919, Clay celebrated her birthday with close family and friends.

Clay has lived in Raleigh County her entire life, spending over 40 years in the public school system as a teacher and a principal. She worked at Harpers Creek Elementary, Eccles Elementary and Eccles Junior High schools.

Clay was married for over 60 years. She has three children, three grandchildren, five great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Her daughter, Nancy Gentry, has been a volunteer and board member of the FOCLA for 15 years.

Clay received numerous gifts including a letter of recognition from Senator Joe Manchin III and an American flag that flew over the Capitol, given to her by Senator Shelley Moore Capito.

The Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary presented Clay with a sunflower cake from Kenzie’s Kakes of Beaver, wind chimes and a bird feeder.

Clay said her secret to a long and prosperous life was to eat well and stay active. She enjoys going out to eat, walking, gardening, crossword puzzles and reading her Bible.