One of West Virginia’s newest economic development projects — Form Energy’s battery manufacturing facility in Weirton — is receiving a huge boost from the Department of Energy.

The company will receive $150 million from the DOE’s program designed to strengthen the production and recycling of domestic batteries to improve the supply chain of this critical component.

Form plans to use the funding to more rapidly scale up its commercial-scale manufacturing lines to produce up to 20 GWh/yr iron-air batteries and employ at least 600 employees to operate them.

The funding was allocated after U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, and Shelley Moore Capito, R-West Virginia, requested the allocation.

“West Virginian workers and families have made the hard sacrifices to power our country to greatness and become a global energy leader,” Manchin said.

"With today’s investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we are continuing to ensure that we are producing the materials needed to protect our nation’s energy independence right here in the Mountain State,” Manchin said.

“I was proud to secure this funding and I am thrilled that Form Energy will be able to utilize it to create good-paying jobs in Weirton and help preserve our legacy as America’s Energy Powerhouse for decades to come.”

Capito said the investment is exactly what was envisioned when she and other lawmakers worked to find compromise on the law to boost energy innovation.

“When I was crafting and negotiating the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), delivering support for manufacturing initiatives in West Virginia was an impact I knew we could make,” Capito said.

"Form Energy is providing a needed boost to the manufacturing industry in our state, specifically to the Weirton community. During my visit to the facility this summer, I saw how their embrace of new technological capabilities will help America continue to lead the way in energy innovation. This grant through the IIJA will expand Form Energy’s production and workforce, and will help continue West Virginia’s proud tradition of being an energy state.”

Company and state officials were pleased to see the support for expansion.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Department of Energy, Senator Manchin, Senator Moore Capito, and the many state and local leaders from West Virginia who provided pivotal support on the path to this award selection,” said Mateo Jaramillo, co-founder and CEO of Form Energy.

"This selection will enable us to more rapidly scale up our manufacturing capabilities and hire hundreds of skilled workers at Form Factory 1. We’re proud to help contribute to the growth of a clean, domestic, and independent energy economy in America. And we’re honored to do it alongside a strong local workforce, right here from West Virginia.”

Mitch Carmichael, who has helped to lead the state’s surging economy as the secretary of economic development, said the federal support shows the state’s efforts to be an “all-of-the-above” energy producer is working.

“With its investment in Form Energy and Weirton, the U.S. Department of Energy is acknowledging that West Virginia is an ideal place to locate all-of-the-above energy development and manufacturing. Thanks to the encouragement and support of Senators Manchin and Capito, this backing will ensure even greater success in the Mountain State.”