CHARLESTON, WV (WOWK) – More than $2.2 million dollars is being allotted to help the continued efforts to repair damage from the 2016 floods that devastated parts of the Mountain State.


U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced the U.S. forest Services would get $2,239,504 for the repair efforts.


“The 2016 floods devastated our state and repercussions are still being felt today,” Capito said. “This funding will help the U.S. Forest Service aid communities that were hardest hit and continue to experience difficulties.” 


Twenty-three people from the state died in the floods and many more were displaced from their homes. Schools and local businesses were also hit by damage and many of those buildings could not be salvaged.


“Five years ago, southern West Virginia was ravaged by devastating flooding that tragically killed 23 fellow West Virginians, destroyed thousands of homes and damaged our communities. This funding will help the U.S. Forest Service repair roads and lands damaged by the terrible flooding,” Manchin said.