Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to boost participation in federal programs that detect and treat black lung disease among coal miners.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health shows cases of black lung are at a 25-year high in Appalachian coal mining states, with as many as one in five underground coal miners in the region having evidence of black lung.

In order to address the growing number of cases, U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., have filed an amendment to the defense, labor, health and education spending package currently under consideration on the floor of the U.S. Senate aiming to improve the participation rate of coal miners in federal health surveillance programs that detect and treat black lung.

Specifically, the amendment requires the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to submit a report to Congress on ways to boost outreach efforts to increase participation in the Coal Workers’ Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP) and to identify barriers that deter miners with black lung from accessing treatment.

CWHSP is a national program that offers free health screening services to coal miners, including chest X-rays, lung function testing, respiratory health assessment questionnaires, and extended health surveillance. However, the current national participation rate in CWHSP is approximately 35 percent among active miners and even lower among retirees.

“Coal miners sacrifice a lot, including their own health, to keep our lights on, heat our homes, and power our businesses," Manchin said. "Black lung cases are at a 25-year high and with today’s technology and our knowledge of this disease, that is simply unacceptable."

He said the amendment will make sure more miners participate in early detection so the disease can be caught and treated more quickly.

"The health and safety of our miners should always be our number one priority and I will be fighting for this amendment to be included in the final spending bill," Manchin said.

Capito said West Virginia coal miners have worked tirelessly for decades to keep industries and communities in this country moving.

"These resources dedicated to the early detection of black lung could be life-saving for thousands of hardworking West Virginians," she said. "Amazing work is being done in this area by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Respiratory Health Division in Morgantown, and I am honored to help that work continue and provide assistance to those who have given so much to our state."