Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $1,071,361 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for West Virginia. Funding will support air and water pollution control, provide resources for the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, and promote initiatives at West Virginia’s higher education institutions.

“West Virginians deserve to live in communities with clean water and fresh air that are safe places to work and raise families. This funding will support projects across the Mountain State to upgrade infrastructure, expand sustainability, and provide protections needed to help our communities thrive. We must do all we can to keep West Virginia wild and wonderful and I will continue to support these efforts,” said Senator Manchin.

“This funding from EPA is welcome news as it will support environmental initiatives on a multitude of fronts, from our state and local health departments to our higher education institutions. The natural beauty of West Virginia is recognized across the world, and we must take the necessary steps to protect our environment while supporting job creation. I thank EPA for their continued support of programs across West Virginia,” said Senator Capito.  

Individual awards listed below:

·        West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection: Hazardous Waste Management State Program            Support – $310,931

·        West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources: Performance Partnership Grants – $274,469

·        West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection: Air Pollution Control Program Support –                    $250,000

·        West Virginia University: Regional Wetlands Program Development Grants – $151,053- West              

·        West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection: Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust                  Fund Program Corrective Action Program – $59,962

·        Marshall University Research Corp: National Student Design Competition for Sustainability – $24,946