WASHINGTON, D.C. — West Virginia’s U.S. senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito remain skeptical about President Barack Obama’s plan to receive Syrian refugees into the United States.

Both senators were guests Tuesday on MetroNews “Talkline” and opposed Obama.

“Let’s create some kind of safe-zones within their own countries where they know they’re free from prosecution and brutality,” Capito said. “I think that might go a long way toward solving what a global problem we have.”

Manchin called for a moratorium.

“Basically where no one from Syria comes into this country for 18 months to see if we can have a regime change,” Manchin said.

At least one of the men responsible for the terrorists attacks in Paris last weekend was believed to have entered the country with Syrian refugees.

“How can you verify these people? I don’t think we as the United States should be welcoming anybody with open arms that we don’t have assurances is not a terrorist,” Capito said.

Manchin, a first-term Democrat, said the risk of freeflowing refugees is too great with ISIS attempting to scale up attacks.

“Because of the Syrian fighting that’s going back and forth, people coming from that area now are very, very highly suspicious. They could be involved in this terrorist plot against us,” Manchin said. “So why take a chance?”

Reports Tuesday said half of the Syrian refugees that have come into the U.S. are children and only 2 percent are of combat age.

Capito is looking for the Obama administration to come up with a “solid way” to stop ISIS. She doesn’t support full-out American boots on the ground but she said a coalition should be considered.

The only sure military answer, Manchin said, comes with questions.

“Not unless you declare all-out war. You put all of your resources in one area. Can we be successful? Yes we can. We have the greatest military in the world, but how long are we willing to maintain that?”