More than $70 million was announced by U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito for various projects in West Virginia.
According to a press release, more than $70 million in grant funds for projects, which include education, economic development, healthcare, drug use prevention, research, infrastructure, and environmental cleanup, in the Mountain State were announced by U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.).
Health projects that received funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) include:
$1,327,481 in HHS Early Head Start Program funding to the Raleigh County Community Action Association, Inc. (Beckley, WV).
$3,234,495 in HHS funding for the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WV DHHR) (Charleston, WV) for the Money Follows the Person program.
$3,234,495 in HHS funding for the WV DHHR (Charleston, WV) for Ryan White Part B Supplemental program funding.
$1,250,000 in HHS funding for the WV DHHR (Charleston, WV) for Substance Abuse prevention.
$1,066,800 in HHS High Impact HIV Prevention and Surveillance Program funding to the West Virginia State Department of Health (Charleston, WV).
$929,187 in HHS HIV prevention funding to the Community Education Group (Lost River, WV).
$741,917 in HHS Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation research funding to West Virginia University (WVU) (Morgantown, WV).
$634,631 in HHS funding for the WV DHHR (Charleston, WV) for Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility.
$619,477 in HHS research funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project studying biological response to environmental health hazards.
$506,013 in HHS Drug Abuse and Addiction research funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV).
$445,180 in HHS block grant funding for the WV DHHR (Charleston, WV) for Community Mental Health Services.
$380,000 in HHS Vision research funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV).
$379,998 in HHS Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation research funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV).
$370,000 in HHS Maternal Mortality Prevention funding to the West Virginia State Department of Health (Charleston, WV).
$269,646 in HHS Mental Health Research Grant Funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV).
$228,000 in HHS Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry research funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV).
$175,000 in HHS Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System funding to the West Virginia State Department of Health (Charleston, WV).
$169,703 in HHS funding for the WV DHHR (Charleston, WV) for the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program.
$131,846 in HHS Poison Control Stabilization and Enhancement program funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV).
$100,000 in HHS funding for the West Virginia State Department of Health (Charleston, WV) for the Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Through School-Based Surveillance and the What Works in Schools Program, collected through the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System.
$60,000 in HHS funding for The Martinsburg Initiative, Inc. (Martinsburg, WV) for Mental Health and Substance Abuse services.
$26,340 in HHS funding for Harmony Mental Health, Inc. (Parkersburg, WV) for the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children program.
Projects that received funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF), include:
$1,000,000 NSF award to Concord University (Athens, WV) for the “Science Engagement and Active Mentoring to Build Science Identity among Students in Computer Science, Chemistry, and Geosciences” project.
$429,750 NSF award to Concord University (Athens, WV) for the “Collaborative Research: Sustained Resources: Prototyping a Framework for FAIR Data Communities: The Tephra Information Portal (TIP)” project.
$50,000 NSF award to Concord University (Athens, WV) for the “Conference: Teacher Workshop: Science and Technology Applied to Radio Signals (STARS)” project.
$1,674,172 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “DISES: Enhancing ecological and community resiliency through sustainable forestry and forest-based climate solutions.”
$580,810 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “Expanding the reach of GREENBURST — searching for the brightest pulses in the Universe and the slowest rotating neutron stars in the Galaxy.”
$382,123 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “WoU-MMA: Multi-messenger Observations in the Era of Supermassive Black Holes.”
$338,657 NSF award to Marshall University (Huntington, WV) for a research project titled “MRI: Track 1 Acquisition of SmartLab SE X-ray Diffractometer for Multidisciplinary Research Enhancement at Marshall University.”
$224,544 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “EAGER: Towards Multicellular Robotic Organisms: Exploring Physical Form, Behavior, and Environmental Response.”
$200,000 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “Research Initiation: Investigating engineering identity and student support in undergraduate civil engineering students.”
$115,000 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “Measuring extremal dependence of functional data.”
$54,943 NSF award to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project titled “Collaborative Research: Planning: CHIRRP: Science to Advance Freshwater Ecosystem and Community Resilience in the Appalachians (SAFER Apps).”
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration (PHMA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), include:
$6,507,704 in DOT funding to the Greenbrier County Airport Authority (Lewisburg, WV) for a project that rehabilitates 7,000 feet of Runway 4/22 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize debris from foreign objects.
$1,008,338 in DOT funding to the Greenbrier County Airport Authority (Lewisburg, WV) for a project that rehabilitates 7,000 feet of Runway 4/22 to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize debris from foreign objects.
$126,288 in FAA funding to the Mercer County Airport Authority (Bluefield, WV) for a project that conducts an aeronautical survey for an area navigation instrument approach for Runway 23.
$520,785 in FAA funding to the City of Philippi/Barbour County Airport Authority (Philippi, WV) for a project that constructs a new 1,290 square foot terminal to accommodate the movement of passengers and baggage.
$265,771 in FAA funding to the Fairmont-Marion County Regional Airport Authority (Fairmont, WV) for a project that rehabilitates 1,000 feet of the existing taxi lane pavement to extend its useful life.
$222,785 in FAA funding to the Braxton County Airport Authority (Sutton, WV) for a project that acquires and installs a new automated weather observing system AWOS III P/T to provide site-specific weather information.
$193,418 in PHMA funding to the West Virginia Emergency Management Division to help communities prepare for a potential hazardous materials transportation incident.
$153,598 in FAA funding to the Mingo County Airport Authority (Williamson, WV) for a project that reconstructs 522 feet of existing perimeter fencing and one gate.
$138,221 in FAA funding to Buckhannon-Upshur Airport Authority (Buckhannon, WV) for a project that installs one new airport rotating beacon to enhance safety.
$134,940 in FAA funding to the Central West Virginia Regional Airport Authority (Charleston, WV) for a project that constructs a new 1,200 foot retaining wall to stabilize the apron embankment to bring the airport into conformity with current standards.
$122,532 in FAA funding to Logan County (Logan, WV) for a project that constructs a new 3,000 square foot snow removal equipment building to bring the local airport into conformity with current standards.
$93,530 in FAA funding to Grant County (Petersburg, WV) for a project that rehabilitates 10,300 square yards of the existing Main Apron pavement to maintain the structural integrity of the pavement and to minimize foreign object debris.
$72,483 in FAA funding to the Braxton County Airport Authority (Sutton, WV) for a project that constructs new drainage ditches, drop inlets, and pipes to bring the airport into conformity with current standards.
$60,084 in FAA funding to the Wood County Airport Authority (Parkersburg, WV) for a project that reconstructs 600 square feet of the existing terminal. This grant funds the reconstruction of restrooms that have reached the end of their useful lives.
$58,876 in FAA funding to Buckhannon-Upshur Airport Authority (Buckhannon, WV) for a project that installs one new airport rotating beacon to enhance safety.
$36,090 in PHMA funding to the Miss Utility of West Virginia to help pay for a legal assistant in the general counsel’s office.
$32,517 in FAA funding to Buckhannon-Upshur Airport Authority (Buckhannon, WV) for reimbursement of a project that reconstructed a hangar in August 2005.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), include:
$600,000 in DOJ funding to Child Protect of Mercer County, Inc. (Princeton, WV) to improve the response of the civil and criminal justice system to families with a history of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, or in cases involving allegations of child sexual abuse.
$807,816 in DOJ funding to GO33 Justice and Community Services (Charleston, WV) to assist and support sexual assault crisis centers.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), include:
$1,460,000 in EDA funding to the Center for Applied Research and Technology, Inc. (Princeton, WV) to establish the WV CREATE Center, providing support to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
$848,800 in EDA funding to High Technology Foundation (Fairmont, WV) to support a statewide collaborative entrepreneurial assistance program.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. National Parks Service (NPS) for Land and Water Conservation (LWCF) projects and a historic building preservation grant. include:
$200,000 in NPS LWCF funding for Oak Hill City Park Playground Improvements (Oak Hill, WV) to support a project supporting the site preparation and grading for the construction of a new inclusive playground with poured in place rubber safety surface and new equipment.
$748,785 in NPS funding for Coalfield Development Corporation (Huntington, W.Va.) to support the Nenni Building Second Level Stabilization Project.
$100,000 in NPS LWCF funding for Masontown Park Court Improvements (Masontown, WV) to support a project supporting the demolition of the existing court and equipment, and replacement of the drainage system surrounding the court.
$91,163.50 in NPS LWCF funding to the Martinsburg War Memorial Park Inclusive Playground (Martinsburg, WV) to support a project supporting the installation of an accessible poured rubber surface, site excavation, concrete curbing, construction of a “Sensory Dome,” swing, playhouse, and carousel.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and Rural Development (RD) Program, include:
$5,468,000 in USDA RD funding to the McDowell County Commission (Welch, WV) to upgrade the county commission building.
$833,000 in USDA RD funding to the Montgomery Building Commission (Montgomery, WV) to upgrade the city hall, including a roof replacement and HVAC upgrades.
$334,000 in USDA RD funding to the Red Sulfur Public Service District (PSD) (Peterstown, WV) to extend water service.
$4,200,000 in USDA RD funding to the City of Williamson, WV to upgrade the city’s water system.
$343,719 in NIFA funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV) to support a substance abuse prevention project titled “Safety First: Preventing Rural Youth Risk Behaviors.”
Projects that received funds from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), include:
$2,640,000 in ARC grant funding to the City of Philippi, WV for the city’s reservoir raw water line.
$1,920,000 in ARC grant funding to the Town of Sand Fork, WV for wastewater system improvements.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as the the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), include:
$3,868,000 in EPA funding to the Clarksburg Water Board (Clarksburg, WV) to support clean water projects in the city.
$1,675,572 in EPA funding to the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) (Charleston, WV) to help localities address development and stormwater and to support farmers on Nutrient Management Plans.
$888,823 in EPA IIJA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for Brownfields Revitalization.
$720,000 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for water quality monitoring and assessment.
$709,235 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for water quality restoration efforts in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
$500,000 in EPA IIJA grant funding to the City of Wheeling, WV for Brownfields cleanup.
$481,249 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) to support the Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) program.
$465,979 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) to provide low interest loans for clean drinking water projects.
$235,428 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for collection and analysis of water quality sampling data in West Virginia, quality control and assurance, and providing water quality data to support calibration and verification of Chesapeake Bay watershed models.
$177,900 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for compliance enforcement of Underground Waste Storage Tanks.
$168,775 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for water pollution control programs across West Virginia.
$42,665 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for superfund site administrative support and feasibility studies.
$23,477 in EPA grant funding to the West Virginia DEP (Charleston, WV) for superfund site management needs.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), include:
$5,000,000 in DOE funding to WVU (Morgantown, WV) for a project where researchers, working with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), aim to show the advantages of direct solar-thermal integration with hydrogen production by using a high-temperature solid oxide electrolyzer, with the intent of using the technology in a wide range of applications, such as creating hydrogen and oxygen in space.
Projects that received funds from the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA), include:
$3,000,000 in VA funding to West Virginia Community Action Partnerships, Inc. (Charleston, WV) to support homeless and at-risk veterans.
$397,923 in VA funding to Helping Heroes, Inc. (Wheeling, WV) to support homeless and at-risk veterans.
$262,981 in VA funding to the Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. (Wheeling, WV) to support homeless and at-risk veterans.