WASHINGTON, D.C. – (WTAP) Strengthening the military.
The goal reflected in a bill supported by both of West Virginia's U.S. Senators, which has now passed the Senate.
Sens. Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin both support the National Defense Authorization Act, which they say provides the military with resources to battle terrorists.
Captio says the measure also sends a message to the Obama Administration.
"We've sort have been all over the board: we're going to Syria, no we're not," she said Wednesday. "We're going to help in Syria with boots on the ground, no we're not. I would like to see a more clear vision from the president on this, but from the Congress's point of view, we're strong, we want to see terrorism rooted out, certainly where it's happening in our own country. But for the Department of Defense, the international security of this is extremely important."
The bill includes several amendments Manchin proposed.
One allows military branches to increase troop strength, something reduced due to budget spending caps.
Included in that amendment are members of the National Guard and reserves.