WASHINGTON, D.C. — Both U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin voted in favor of the confirmation of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator Friday. Pruitt was confirmed 52-46.

According to Capito, Pruitt answered more than 200 direct questions from committee members during his confirmation hearing and more than 1,000 follow-up questions.

“Attorney General Pruitt is the most thoroughly vetted nominee for administrator in the history of the EPA. He embodies the leadership we need to restore accountability to the agency,” Capito said.

Capito predicted Pruitt will lead the agency with a balanced approach.

“To benefit the public health, to benefit environmental preservation and to also look at that much needed economic growth,” Capito said during remarks on the Senate floor.

Manchin was one of only two Democrats to vote for Pruitt. He said President Donald Trump should be given the opportunity to put his administrative team in place.

“Every West Virginian wants clean air and clean water and I intend to be vigilant in working with Administrator Pruitt to ensure that our fundamental environmental protections are implemented in a sound and effective way,” Manchin said in a news release. “Pruitt knows that I believe it is important that the EPA is working with states like West Virginia not against us.”

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said West Virginia has a friend in Pruitt.

“Scott’s principled approach will respect the law and reinforce the EPA’s core mission to protect our air and water without unconstitutional and job killing overreach, which has brought tremendous harm to West Virginia during the past eight years,” Morrisey said in a Friday afternoon news release.

Morrisey teamed up with Pruitt on several challenges to moves made by the Obama administration’s EPA.