WASHINGTON, D.C. (WBOY) — Sen. Shelley Moore Capito was one of 31 Senate Republicans to introduce the Laken Riley Act Wednesday.

The bill is named after the 22-year-old Augusta University nursing student who police say was killed by Jose Antonio Ibarra while she was on her morning jog last month. Ibarra is a Venezuelan man who entered the U.S. illegally but was allowed to stay to pursue his immigration case.

Riley’s murder has drawn new attention to immigration policy, with conservative groups like The Heritage Foundation noting Ibarra’s 2023 arrest in New York City; he was charged with “acting in a manner to injure a child” and for a “motor vehicle violation,” but was released with no bail.

The Laken Riley Act would require U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to arrest illegal aliens who commit theft, burglary, larceny or shoplifting offenses and would mandate that illegal immigrants are detained until they are removed from the United States with the intention of preventing re-offenses.

Additionally, the bill ensures that states have standing to sue federal officials who refuse to enforce immigration law or who violate the law.

The legislation was originally introduced in the House of Representatives by U.S. Rep. Mike Collins (R, GA-10) and passed 251-170.