CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WOWK)- In 2015 Senator Shelley Moore Capito started the program West Virginia Girls Rise Up to empower young girls through education, physical fitness and self-confidence. On Monday she brought the program to Charleston and she didn't come alone, with her was former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

"We really just want the girls to know that if they push through the fear they'll end up so much stronger on the other side and you don't know what you can accomplish if you don't push to get there," said Haley.

The program ends with girls writing their goals down on a piece of paper, they can be anything from talking in front of strangers to becoming a doctor. One point Senator Capito was sure to make was the importance of getting more women to join her on Capitol Hill.

"Part of what I want to do here is to inspire, less politically on if your republican or democrat but just get women to step up in general," said Senator Capito.