BLUEFIELD, W.Va. (WVVA) – Senator Capito is inviting West Virginians to share information on broadband challenges or solutions they’ve seen in their communities on Broadband.
In a press release, Senator Capito stated, “I have always said that if we can get a man or a woman on the moon, we can get internet in the mountains. Now, I need to hear from you. As we head into 2022, please join me in tackling this critical issue by sharing your feedback with me. Call or write to one of my offices or submit your feedback on my website. I am excited to continue and build on the work we started years ago, and I am committed to knocking down even more barriers to better connect our communities. This is about the future of our state. Let’s finally close the digital divide in West Virginia.”
In the next few weeks, the Senator and her and her staff will carefully evaluate all of the feedback given. Senator Capito will then discuss what comes next in the “Capito Connect Plan”
You can leave your feedback by contacting one of Senator Capito’s offices or by posting it on her website here: