WASHINGTON (WTRF) — Senator Shelley Moore Capito is calling for energy independence.

This is all because of the rising gas prices and the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine.

Senator Capito says it’s become apparent the United States is reliant on Russian oil. The West Virginia Senator says we need an “all of the above” package deal, something the Biden Administration hasn’t budged on.

She also says the gas prices aren’t because of Russia. Capito claims the prices were already on the rise.

“Honestly, they keep saying the price of gasoline is Putin’s gasoline price. These prices were skyrocketing well before this. So we’re watching what’s going on over there closely and I’m fully briefed on the situation.” – SEN. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO (R) WEST VIRGINIA

According to Triple A, the national average for a gallon of gas right now is 4 dollars 33 cents.

West Virginia’s average is 4 dollars 11 cents.