A bipartisan group of Senators believe they are close to finalizing a one trillion dollar infrastructure package, with a possible vote on the Senate floor coming soon.

The framework of the bill focuses on traditional infrastructure, including money for projects related to roads, bridges and broadband.

We spoke with West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito about the bill, who has been front and enter during infrastructure negotiations, and she supports it.

“The bill that I came forward with which was based off our bipartisan bill, both the surface transportation and the water-waste water bill…those two fundamental bills were about 60% of this whole package. So it’s obviously the foundation of this. We had negotiated an agreement, Republicans and Democrats in our committees, and that’s what this group followed. Because that was the foundation that I set when I first began my negotiations with President Biden.”


Capito says she has seen almost the entire bill and plans to support it over the coming days.