U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va. and, in recent weeks, among the most powerful individuals in America, reached over and straightened the tie of a brand-new American, Morgantown’s Roque Fernandez.

That simple gesture during a photo opportunity was worth a thousand words on a day when 19 individuals from 14 countries became U.S. citizens.

U.S. District Judge Thomas S. Kleeh presided over what was the first full in-person naturalization ceremony in West Virginia’s Northern District since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

The new citizens came from Cameroon, China, the Congo, Honduras, Hungary, India, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines, Russia and South Korea.

“You certainly earned what you’re getting today,” Capito said during her keynote address. “But it’s going to be a lifetime of improving the country, enjoying the country, embracing the country and speaking out with your voices and your ability to vote, to make your choices in your lives. And we’re going to be right here behind you every single day.

“And one thing you learn about being in West Virginia is we are one, big small town. We embrace each other, consistently. If you ever need help, if you’re ever in a hole, if ever you feel like you can’t quite get over the hump, West Virginians are always ready to be that hand up, that helping hand. ... And so we will be there for you.”

Capito also discussed the sacred right to vote.

“By voting, you enlist yourself in the great cause in this country of choosing who you want to make decisions for you,” she said.

“And even though it may look from far away in Washington, D.C., where we do most of our work, that we’re really disconnected, we’re so connected to what you think and how you feel and what your vision and dreams are for this country and your family. So keep your voices heard, exercise the right to vote,” she said.

Kleeh was beaming throughout most of the ceremony.

“Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your day,” he said to the new citizens. “Thank you to all of your friends and family who are here as well. We’re so glad that you could join us here.”

The Rev. Don Kimble of Bridgeport United Methodist Church gave the invocation.

“So, Lord, help us as a nation to remember our first name, ‘United,’ and show us the way, with these new citizens among us, to forge our lives together. ... Show us the way to affirm the value of all people and to live into that value every day. Show us the way to embrace each other, as you have embraced us,” Kimble said.

The new citizens also heard from President Joe Biden via a video message.

“First and foremost, I want to thank you for choosing us, believing that America is worthy of your aspirations. Every immigrant comes to America from different circumstances and for different reasons,” Biden said. “But you all have one thing in common: Courage. The courage it takes to sacrifice and make this journey. The courage to leave your homes and lives, your loved ones, and come to a nation that’s more than just a place, but rather an idea, an idea that everyone is created equal and deserves to be treated equally. The idea that we have as a nation, and we define America in one word: Possibilities. Possibilities. Since it’s founding, that very idea has been nurtured, enriched and advanced by the contributions, sacrifices and dreams of immigrants like you, immigrants like my own ancestors from Ireland. Like generations of our fellow Americans.

“And today, you’ve earned a new title equal to that of an American president. The title I’m most proud of: Citizen of the United States of America.”

The Robert C. Byrd High School Army JROTC Color Guard presented and posted the colors, then retired them at the end of the ceremony.

Bridgeport High School’s Emma Davisson sang the national anthem and “God Bless America.”

Cadet Staff Sgt. Emma Haskell of the RCB Army JROTC led the Pledge of Allegiance.

U.S. Immigration Services Officer Andrew Reyes and U.S. District Court Clerk Cheryl Riley participated in the ceremonies. Also on hand were representatives for Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and U.S. Reps. David McKinley and Alex Mooney, both R-W.Va.

The GFWC Women’s Club of Bridgeport and Bonnie Belle’s Pastries provided the reception.