(WTRF) After this week’s announcement of a ‘pause’ on the single dose Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, many across the nation were rattled.

So– is this announcement deterring those who were teetering on whether to get vaccinated or not?

Well– West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito simply says, it definitely has not had a positive effect.

She says many were waiting to see the effects the vaccine had on their family and friends, and this may be chilling their desire.

So– she’s encouraging West Virginians who have been vaccinated to use their voice and be advocates for the vaccine.

“It’s amazing. It’s an empowering thing you kind of feel. You almost feel a little bit of freedom that you can now move around a little bit better. Still be careful– but move around a little bit better. But, I’m worried about it. I’m going to do my part to be part of the public awareness campaign to say, “This is what we should do and can do.”


Senator Capito urges West Virginians to realize there is only one road back to normalcy, and the vaccine leads the way.