To celebrate the Mountain State 161st Birthday Sen. Shelley Moore Capito and Sen. Joe Manchin released these video statements. Watch and read the transcripts below:


West Virginia has a unique story as the only state carved out of another and it remains a place with some of the most wonderful people and the most beautiful destinations in the world.

“Today, on June 20th, West Virginia celebrates its 161st birthday.

“I hope all West Virginians take some time to celebrate our state’s history, connect with their community, and take in the beauty of our state’s natural resources.

“Take pride in being a West Virginian, I certainly do!

“And I always say: our state is just one big small town.

“Our people are kind, resilient, and strong, and they offer those values and so much more to our whole country.

“So, happy West Virginia Day!”


“Every June 20th, West Virginians come together to celebrate the day we became our nation’s 35th state and honor our shared history, culture and the traditions we hold so dearly. And on a personal note, I want to wish my wife, Gayle, a happy birthday, which so appropriately falls on West Virginia’s birthday.

“The Mountain State was founded during the Civil War by brave patriots who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in a united pursuit of justice, freedom, and opportunity for all. Ever since the historic beginning of our state, we have never failed to answer our country’s call.

“It was the courageous West Virginia coal miners who worked tirelessly to fuel the industrialization of America in the 19th and early 20th centuries, making us the most powerful nation in the world.

“West Virginia’s patriotism runs deep and true, and our motto, ‘Mountaineers Are Always Free,’ is a testament to our bold commitment to forge our own path. Our great state has one of the country’s highest number of Veterans per capita, further solidifying that West Virginians have what it takes to protect America.

“For the past 43 years in public service, it has been a true honor to represent the Mountain State and I’m constantly inspired by West Virginians’ incredible devotion to family, love of country, unbeatable work ethic, and perseverance against any challenge.

“Every West Virginian contributes to our state’s amazing story, and on this West Virginia Day, I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to be proud of how far we’ve come and how far we will go.”