CLARKSBURG — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito made two stops in Harrison County on Friday.

The Republican senator toured the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division and the Fairmont State University Aviation Center for Excellence.

At the FBI facility, Capito got a first-hand look inside the command and technology centers and received a briefing on CJIS’ National Instant Criminal Background Check System. In June, CJIS staff conducted 3,054,726 NICS checks making it the second highest June in the history of the system.

“The important work being done right here in Clarksburg to process record amounts of firearm background checks as well as threat assessments impacts the entire country,” Capito said. “It’s the reason I’ve pushed to ensure the facility has the resources it needs for processing, staffing, equipment, and technology to continue operating efficiently. I appreciate our law enforcement members for hosting me today, and for all they do to keep West Virginia and the United States safe.”

At the Fairmont State University Aviation Center for Excellence, which is housed at the North Central West Virginia Airport in Bridgeport, Capito met with aviation students, tested a flight simulator, and was briefed about the facility’s current need to expand its office and classroom space, as well as hangar space and airplanes.

“Fairmont State’s flight academy is a point of pride here in West Virginia, and it is always a pleasure to visit in person and talk with students and faculty,” Capito said. “It was also important to receive an update on the need for more space, including a new hangar, so the center can accommodate the interest and growth it has seen in recent years."

She thanked Fairmont State President Mirta Martin "for the great work they are doing to provide students the best education and training possible.”