WASHINGTON, D.C. (WTRF) - Lawmakers are reacting just one day after President Trump announced his plans to replace the Clean Power Plan.

Senator Shelley Moore Capito told 7News she feels it will be a positive change for West Virginia, saying you can see the impact previous efforts had because of the economic downturn. 

The previous Clean Power Plan enacted by former President Obama was "devastating to coal" according to Senator Capito.  

She added that the new plan is a more common sense approach that allows the states to set their own emissions standards. 

"They give a transition for some of our coal power facilities to be ble to transition their admission controls," Senator Capito explained. "Therefore, more people will be working, more coal will be mined and have a longer life and a longer transition period." 

Senator Capito also said she feels the people of West Virginia want predictability, stability, and fairness, which this reform will provide. 

"I think that's what you'll see from this rule," she continued. "You'll see a fairness and a predictability that will allow our our uh our coal industry to stabilize. Folks working in that industry will know that when they work up the next morning they're gonna have a job and I think that's good news." 

Senator Capito also thinks the new reforms will lead to what she calls a more environmentally friendly situation, where emissions will still be cut.  

"I think it's a win-win for the state," Senator Capito said.