BECKLEY, WV (WOAY) – The Woodrow Wilson High School Auditorium was host to U.S Senator Shelley Moore Capito for a day as she makes her way around to four different high schools in the state as part of Academy Days, a program that teaches young West Virginians about U.S Service Academies and the various opportunities they provide.
“This is our Academy Day, I do the nominations as well as Senator Manchin and Congresswoman Miller, we want to get our best and brightest West Virginia students into these academies,” Senator Capito says.
Whether it is the Air Force, Navy, Army, or other service branches, representatives were providing information and opportunities for each, along with the ROTC, encouraging young members to continue down their path of military advancement training that the ROTC provides.
“To forge our nation’s leaders we have to start by taking who they were, breaking them down, and building them back up, so ROTC does that by taking them from either their first year if they’re not prior-enlisted to their third year if they were prior-enlisted,” says Cadet Matthew Shafer with the Marshall University ROTC program.
With Senator Capito among others from Senator Manchin’s and Congresswoman Carol Miller’s offices speaking on behalf of West Virginia’s high rate of military personnel, the benefits, and the honor that comes with serving, these Academy Days make good opportunities for any student interested in investing in a life of military service.
“We want to see West Virginia young people become leaders of tomorrow, in our military, in our business, in our government, in our healthcare, and this is one of the ways I can help them become that leader,” Capito says.
Senator Capito reminds all students interested in pursuing a military career to start getting their resumes and recommendations together, as well as keeping up with their physical fitness, as it’s never too early to start preparing for such fields.
The following two Academy Days will be held at Jefferson High School in Shenandoah Junction, West Virginia, and Bridgeport High School in Bridgeport, West Virginia, and you can visit and find Fall Academy Days to learn more.