BEVERLY — Female fifth-graders at Beverly Elementary School got encouragement this week from U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, who hopes to reach the next generation of leaders.

After becoming West Virginia’s first female U.S. senator, Capito created the Girls Rise Up program to empower West Virginia’s girls to reach their full potential through education, fitness and confidence-boosting activities.

She has visited at least 15 schools in the state so far, and her visit Wednesday morning to Beverly Elementary was well-received by students and staff.

Capito talked about setting goals as part of the Girls Rise Up challenge, which allows each student select a goal and commit to incorporating the activity into their regular routine. Students came up with a range of goals, such as walking their dogs more often, spending more time reading, trying a new food, learning a new hobby, keeping a journal and making new friends.

“I’m proud of you,” she told the group. “You have good challenges. … I just love to hear what the younger generation’s thinking.”

She posed for a group photo with the girls, invited them all to visit her office in Washington, D.C., and said she will follow up with the group periodically to see how students are doing with the challenge.

Capito said she hopes this program will inspire young women reach their full potential and possibly become leaders in their schools and communities.

“It’s important to me because we don’t have enough representation of women in government and business,” she added. “I have a rare opportunity to try to inspire the next generation of female leaders.”

Beverly Elementary Principal Paul Zickefoose said he appreciated Capito taking time to meet with the fifth-grade girls to share the program Wednesday morning, prior to making other stops in the area.

“I like the message of self-confidence and her encouraging the girls to be more confident,” Zickefoose said. “It’s great to have such an outstanding role model to come and speak with the girls.”