CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito announced that $125,000 will go to the West Virginia Coalition To End Homelessness thanks to the Housing and Urban Development’s Fair Housing Initiatives Program.

The funding will be used to raise awareness regarding “housing discrimination, provide educational resources, training to landlords, and other housing entities on how to maintain compliance under the Fair Housing Act.”

“Every West Virginian deserves a roof over their head and a warm, safe place to sleep. Unfortunately many West Virginians are currently experiencing homelessness, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made this heartbreaking issue much worse,” Senator Manchin said. 

Senator Capito said, “West Virginians deserve equal opportunity, and we must continue to devote the necessary resources to provide fair housing education and outreach programs to our residents. I will continue to support fair housing initiatives, and I am looking forward to the positive work this funding will help the organizations and nonprofits do on the ground to protect victims of housing discrimination.”