U.S. Senators Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito announced Tuesday that state non-profits will receive $5.8 million for AmeriCorps funding.

Manchin, D-W.Va., said state residents have a long tradition of “neighbor helping neighbor.”

“The value of national service can never be overstated,” Manchin said. “It is an important part of our identity as West Virginians and Americans.”

Capito characterized the state as “one big small town” where people come together in times of need.

“These AmeriCorps grants are incredibly important to help expand this West Virginia philosophy and improve our communities by promoting volunteer service across our state,” Capito said.

According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, 13 AmeriCorps grants totaling $3.9 million were awarded to state non-profits, while another $1.9 million in education scholarships were awarded to AmeriCorps members. 

The federal investment is projected to generate an additional $3.4 million in local support to increase community impact, the CNCS said. 

“The current year’s AmeriCorps grant cycle was highly competitive, due to the strong demand by organizations seeking AmeriCorps resources,” the CNCS said. 

West Virginia University: Energy Express AmeriCorps members will provide reading assistance to and meals for low-income 1st-6th grade students during summer break. (510 AmeriCorps members) 

Energy Express will receive additional funding for 80 teen volunteers ages 14-17 to serve as Summer Opportunity AmeriCorps members, providing leadership and support to other teens and pre-teen volunteers. 

Education Alliance: AmeriCorps members will provide dropout prevention mentor-based services that addresses student attendance, behavior and course performance in 12 state districts. (35 AmeriCorps members)

Appalachian Forest Heritage Area: AmeriCorps members serving in 16 counties will provide community development assistance, improve historic buildings and recruit volunteers for conservation and community projects in small Appalachian towns. (26 AmeriCorps members)

United Way of Central West Virginia: AmeriCorps members will provide academic support, training in financial literacy and job skills, facilitate access to healthy foods and nutrition and support low-income families throughout the state. (70 AmeriCorps members)

In addition to the four competitive grants, Volunteer West Virginia, the governor-appointed state service commission, will be making the following eight grants through formula funding provided by CNCS:

- The Appalachian Forest Heritage Area: AmeriCorps members will strengthen community development and support cultural heritage tourism in 16 counties in the highlands of West Virginia.

- Citizens Conservation Corps of West Virginia: AmeriCorps members will build trails, upgrade parks, clean local streams and renovate historic sites in McDowell and Wyoming counties. (16 AmeriCorps members)

- High Rocks Educational Corporation: AmeriCorps members will support youth education, increase volunteerism, and provide nutrition education in eight counties. (23 AmeriCorps members)

- Preservation Alliance of West Virginia: AmeriCorps members will plan and implement heritage tourism events, develop heritage tourism destinations, preserve historic resources, and recruit more than 900 volunteers. (24 AmeriCorps members)

- Ohio West Virginia Youth Leadership Association: AmeriCorps members will mentor pre-teens and build more effective leadership skills in teenagers at Camp Horseshoe. (24 AmeriCorps members)

- Mid-Ohio Valley Board of Health: AmeriCorps members will serve as community health workers, improving health outcomes for high risk populations by providing chronic disease management, diabetes self-management training, and educating residents about basic self-care. (19 AmeriCorps members)

- Grow Ohio Valley: AmeriCorps members will improve access to fresh, locally grown produce to distressed neighborhoods in Brooke, Marshall and Ohio counties. (17 AmeriCorps members)

- Playmates Child Care: AmeriCorps members will facilitate service learning projects and other enhancement for students ages 5-12 to increase educational skills. (31 AmeriCorps members)