December 2023
Parkersburg News and Sentinel
Capito: Southern U.S. border situation relevant to West Virginia
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Manchin, Capito votes differ on Ukraine funding support
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Congressional delegation pitches Yeager for U.S. stamp
Metro News
Congressional delegation seeks stamp for Chuck Yeager
Sen. Capito presses USPS Postmaster General for answers about Charleston facility
WV News
Capito 'asking for clarity' regarding West Virginia postal facility
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Capito announces $13.4 million for Bluefield overpass construction, road improvements
West Virginia lawmakers call for creation of commemorative Chuck Yeager stamp
WV Public Broadcasting
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito Presses USPS Chief On Future of Charleston Facility
WV Daily News
Capito Presses USPS Postmaster General for Answers on Future of Charleston Facility
Charleston Gazette-Mail
Capito weighs in against moving Charleston postal facility
WV News
West Virginia Congressional Delegation Calls for Commemorative Stamp Honoring Aviator Chuck Yeager's Legacy
Sen. Capito shoots down foreign aid bill over US border concerns
Bluefield to receive $13.4 million for overpass, road improvements
Dominion Post
West Virginia’s D.C. delegation asks postmaster general to issue Chuck Yeager commemorative stamp
Capito announces $13.4 million for construction and road improvements in Bluefield
The Exponent Telegram
EDITORIAL: Climate talk cheap — and dangerous
Parkersburg News and Sentinel
Funding for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan stalls in U.S. Senate amid border battle
Metro News
Capito and Manchin say legislation must include stronger border measures, but differ on advancing it
WV News
West Virginia officials decry Kerry's coal comments