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October 2023

WV News Broadband project will target eight West Virginia counties
WTRF “It is an open border,” Capito calls for legislative action after record-setting apprehensions last month
WV News Exponent Telegram EDITORIAL: 'It's time to get to work ...'
Bluefield Daily Telegraph Miller, Capito, Griffith, Kaine and Warner speak in support of Israel
Lootpress Capito Marks 30th Girls Rise Up Event
Times WV OPINION by Tina Shaw, President of the Marion County Chamber of Commerce: A win for NCWV
Bluefield Daily Telegraph Capito says open border is a national security issue and
The Hill OPINION: Feds should be funding teaching, not TikTok
WV News West Virginia's Capito says it's 'past time to get to work' in Congress
Metro News Capito says additional funding on immigration issues needs to focus more on border security
WV News Capito supports aid to Ukraine, Israel and border security, but wants to change some of the priorities
Wheeling Intelligencer Capito Grant To Aid Future Wheeling Food Hub
Ripon Advance National Chemistry Week resolution introduced by Capito
Metro News Capito supports aspects of funding package for Israel, Ukraine and border security but wants a critical look
Connect Bridgeport Capito Announces Funding for Several Projects Including One for AST in Bridgeport
WV News Monongalia County (West Virginia) Quick Response Team awarded $1 million federal grant for data collection
Fierce Telecom Sen. Capito urges FCC action on broadband utility pole access
WDTV Mon County QRT awarded $1M federal grant for data collection
Inside Towers Capito Presses FCC to Finish Pole Attachment Proceeding
WV News Nucor breaks ground on Apple Grove mill