June 2023
Major broadband, cell service improvements may be coming to West Virginia
Capito, Peters Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Help Communities Attract Workers and Cut Taxes for Recent College Graduates
WV News
West Virginia Sen. Capito shares support of debt ceiling bill, Mountain Valley Pipeline
May 2023
WV News
MVP developers applaud inclusion in debt ceiling deal, thank leaders for support
WV News
Senate EPW advances nuclear power bill spearheaded by West Virginia's Capito
White Park receives $500k for cleanup
Capito and Peters to reintroduce legislation to cut taxes for recent college grads
Beckley Register Herald
Lawmakers pleased with debt limit bill's MVP inclusion
Huntington Herald-Dispatch
Debt limit deal includes fast-tracked completion of Mountain Valley Pipeline
Capito joins GOP criticism of rule change at border: ‘Will enable human smuggling and trafficking’
Fox News
Republicans secure massive gas pipeline approval in debt ceiling deal
Provision to finish Mountain Valley Pipeline included in debt ceiling bill
Charleston Gazette-Mail
Debt limit deal includes fast-tracked completion of Mountain Valley Pipeline
WV News
Debt ceiling deal calls for expedited completion of Mountain Valley Pipeline through West Virginia, Virginia
Washington Examiner
Debt ceiling deal includes completion of embattled Mountain Valley Pipeline
Mountain Valley Pipeline acceleration included in Biden-McCarthy debt limit deal
Metro News
Expedited approval of Mountain Valley Pipeline is part of debt ceiling package
Ogden Papers
W.Va. officials praise new Supreme Court decision on wetlands
Charleston Gazette-Mail
WV throws support behind national effort to rein in Xylazine
Harrison County Chamber of Commerce holds annual dinner