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April 2023

Charleston Gazette Mail Ground broken for Hinton river park
WHSV Family members, W.Va. lawmakers remember Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster
The Ripon Advance Capito’s bipartisan bill bolsters America’s nuclear leadership
Daily Energy Insider Senate bill seeks to bolster, advance American nuclear energy
World Nuclear News Act aims to accelerate US deployment of new nuclear
The Hill EPA proposes tighter pollution limits for coal plants
The Washington Post EPA clamps down on mercury from coal power plants
AP EPA tightens mercury emissions limits at coal power plants
Beckley Register Herald Officials urge state, federal support for King Coal Highway project
Bluefield Daily Telegraph Capito-led bill urges more nuclear energy development
Huntington Herald Dispatch New Appalachian Heartland Welcome Center in Huntington being developed
WV Daily News Senators Manchin and Capito attend Batteau Beach groundbreaking in Hinton
Metro News Town of Hinton ready to develop its waterfront
Metro News Senators and Park Service leaders say they understand hunters’ concerns
WVNS Capito and Rosen introduce bill for centralized online resource for small business
The Dominion Post Capito sponsors ADVANCE Act to advance nuclear power, encourage repurposing of defunct coal plants
Beckley Register-Herald Acreage in Sandstone area added to NRGNPP
Huntington Herald Dispatch New River Gorge Park and Preserve adds 963 acres
Charleston Gazette Mail New River Gorge Park and Preserve adds 963 acres