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  • On Thursday, U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., held her weekly virtual press briefing to discuss the latest from the U.S. Senate, including an update on new legislation and rising price hikes that she said are putting the American dream further out of reach.“I am hoping that as the president comes for the State of the Union next week, that he addresses these issues,” Capito said.Capito also discussed price hikes on the Senate floor.“Sen. Capito’s speech came moments after the Federal... Read More
  • CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) has announced new mobile office dates and locations throughout West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle and Potomac Highlands during the months of February and March.Members of Senator Capito’s staff will be available to provide constituents one-on-one assistance with casework and other issues they may be experiencing with federal agencies. Appointments are not required but are encouraged, and they can be made by visiting Sen.... Read More
  • The cost of products, including gasoline, presents a “grave concern,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., said Thursday, and she is hopeful the concern will get the attention of President Joe Biden.“I am hoping when he gives the State of the Union next week (on Feb. 7) he addresses these issues,” she said during a virtual press briefing.Capito said state residents are paying more for about everything, especially energy, with high home-heating bills, and any pay raises are “being wiped out by... Read More
  • WASHINGTON, D.C. — West Virginia’s Congressional delegation is among those expressing support for a petition recently filed by Cleveland-Cliffs and the United Steelworkers in connection with what company and union officials have called unfairly traded tin and chromium coated sheet steel products.In January, Cleveland-Cliffs, which operates a tin plate manufacturing facility in Weirton, announced it had partnered with the United Steelworkers to file antidumping and countervailing duty petitions... Read More
  • We applaud the efforts of U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito, as well as West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, in fighting a Biden Administration rule that will allow 401(k) managers to consider climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when selecting investments.Both Manchin and Capito say the rule prioritizes politics over allowing for the best returns for Americans’ retirement investments.“At a time when our country is already facing... Read More
  • Republicans in both chambers on Thursday introduced a resolution aimed at repealing President Biden’s clean water rule, but it faces long odds, Rachel Frazin reports for the Hill. The regulation, finalized in December, expands the definition of waterways that the Environmental Protection Agency has authority to regulate, reversing a Trump-era change.Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) introduced the resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which allows lawmakers to scrap... Read More
  • U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., both members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced two grants totaling $932,193 through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for projects in West Virginia.“West Virginia’s natural habitats allows wildlife of all kinds to flourish, and it is part of what makes our state such a wonderful place to both live and visit.” Capito said.“The grants... Read More
  • Washington, D.C. – Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., announced Wednesday that she will continue serving on four U.S. Senate committees: the Committee on Appropriations; the Committee on Environment and Public Works; the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; and the Committee on Rules and Administration. Read More
  • WASHINGTON (WV News) — Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., will retain her status as ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Committee during the 118th U.S. Congress.Capito, during a press briefing Thursday, said her position on the committee, along with Republican control of the House of Representatives, could finally lead to an overhaul of the federal permitting process for energy projects.Capito and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., have each backed efforts in the last year to streamline... Read More
  • A majority of Congressional Republicans, including every GOP member in the Senate, signed onto resolutions filed Thursday to nullify the Biden administration's new definition of which streams and wetlands are subject to Clean Water Act regulation.While President Joe Biden is expected to veto any such resolution that reaches his desk, the move offers the GOP an opportunity to force Democrats to take a stance on a regulation that is wildly unpopular among farmers, ranchers and a broad swath of... Read More
  • REPUBLICANS PURSUE REPEAL OF BIDEN WOTUS DEFINITION: Congressional Republicans are trying to repeal the Biden administration’s recently finalized definition of "waters of the United States" with dual Congressional Review Act resolutions that were announced this morning.The joint resolutions of disapproval take aim at the WOTUS rule that EPA and the Army Corps finalized in late December, which effectively brings back WOTUS as it was before 2015 with some changes.Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, EPW... Read More
  • Congressional Republicans are trying to repeal the Biden administration's recently finalized definition of "waters of the United States" on the grounds that it creates regulatory uncertainty and is bad for business and property owners.House and Senate Republicans introduced Congressional Review Act resolutions Thursday that seek to cancel WOTUS, which governs how the broadly the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers can regulate bodies of water under the Clean Water Act.EPA... Read More
  • Senate Republicans are attempting to repeal the Biden administration’s water regulations, though their effort faces an uphill battle. Republicans, led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), introduced a resolution on Thursday that would ax the rule. The Biden administration recently put forward regulations on the country’s waters that are likely to be a middle ground between regulations under the Trump and Obama administrations. The regulations define which waters get federal protections.... Read More
  • New Martinsville is among the municipalities and organizations that, on Wednesday, received money from the Senate Appropriations committee for transportation initiatives.Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., announced the funding, totalling more than $4.1 million, Wednesday. New Martinsville will receive $250,000 of those funds.New Martinsville will use the money to develop a comprehensive safety action plan to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries in the city.... Read More
  • The Biden administration is throwing down the regulatory gauntlet against "forever chemicals," a family of chemically resilient substances used in the manufacture of many consumer goods that are extremely useful yet toxic and all over the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency has advanced nearly two dozen actions over the past two years ranging from tighter drinking water monitoring requirements to new restrictions on manufacturing to control the proliferation of PFAS,... Read More
  • (LOOTPRESS) – Today, U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) led 50 Senators in introducing their challenge to the Biden Administration’s ESG rule which prioritizes politics over getting the best returns for millions of Americans’ retirement investments. This disapproval resolution will receive a vote on the Senate and House floor.“At a time when our country is already facing economic uncertainty, record inflation and increasing energy costs, it is irresponsible of the... Read More
  • WASHINGTON, D.C. (WBOY) — U.S. Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) announced on Wednesday that half of the United States’ current senators are joining them in challenging a new policy that they said would politicize Americans’ retirement savings.President Joe Biden added a rule in late 2022 that allows Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) retirement plan fiduciaries to take environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors into account when making... Read More
  • Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.), who is expected to retain her ranking member spot on the Environment and Public Works Committee, is bullish about the prospects of passing a bill to ease permitting rules now that the House is in GOP hands.Her position on the contentious subject has taken on new weight because Capito became a member of the leadership team of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell this year. McConnell had led most Republicans in opposing a failed effort at the end of last year... Read More
  • Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., is going full steam ahead on pursuing federal perming reform, which would help speed up the process of completing the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP).Capito said last week during a virtual press briefing two different committees are being urged to work on a compromise bill that would shorten the time it takes for permitting, especially in the energy sector.The MVP, a 300-mile, 42-inch-diameter natural gas pipeline from north-central West Virginia running to... Read More
  • PRICHARD, W.Va. — The Marshall University Research Corporation (MURC) will receive a U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant to help Wayne County with the Heartland Intermodal Gateway facility.U.S. Sens. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., announced the $376,325 EDA grant last week.The Heartland Intermodal Gateway — the truck and rail transfer facility in Prichard that never lived up to its promise — was deeded to the Wayne County Commission in August of last... Read More