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  • The U.S. Comptroller General would be required to investigate the capacity of airlines to prepare for and respond to extreme weather events and natural disasters under bipartisan legislation introduced on March 14 by U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV).The Airline Operational Resiliency Act of 2023, S. 787, would ensure that Congress receives information about airlines’ operational investments, staffing levels and safety policies, mitigation strategies, and other resiliency planning, as well... Read More
  • CHARLESTON — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito said a budget proposal for the next fiscal year from President Joe Biden is likely “dead on arrival” in Congress.Speaking during a virtual briefing with West Virginia reporters from her offices on Capitol Hill Thursday, Capito, R-W.Va., called Biden’s budget for fiscal year 2024 a stealth tax increase on small business owners while ignoring the military support or funding for the southern border.“The presidential budget is pretty much dead on arrival... Read More
  • WASHINGTON, D.C. (LOOTPRESS) – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, today announced a total of $26,484,023 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 funds for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Programs in West Virginia through the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). The HIDTA program supports Federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies... Read More
  • CHARLESTON — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito said a budget proposal for the next fiscal year from President Joe Biden is likely “dead on arrival” in Congress.Speaking during a virtual briefing with West Virginia reporters from her offices on Capitol Hill Thursday, Capito, R-W.Va., called Biden’s budget for fiscal year 2024 a stealth tax increase on small business owners while ignoring the military support or funding for the southern border.“The presidential budget is pretty much dead on arrival... Read More
  • CHARLESTON — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito said a budget proposal for the next fiscal year from President Joe Biden is likely “dead on arrival” in Congress.Speaking during a virtual briefing with West Virginia reporters from her offices on Capitol Hill Thursday, Capito, R-W.Va., called Biden’s budget for fiscal year 2024 a stealth tax increase on small business owners while ignoring the military support or funding for the southern border.“The presidential budget is pretty much dead on arrival... Read More
  • CHARLESTON — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito said a budget proposal for the next fiscal year from President Joe Biden is likely “dead on arrival” in Congress.Speaking during a virtual briefing with West Virginia reporters from her offices on Capitol Hill Thursday, Capito, R-W.Va., called Biden’s budget for fiscal year 2024 a stealth tax increase on small business owners while ignoring the military support or funding for the southern border.“The presidential budget is pretty much dead on arrival... Read More
  • CHARLESTON — U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito said a budget proposal for the next fiscal year from President Joe Biden is likely “dead on arrival” in Congress.Speaking during a virtual briefing with West Virginia reporters from her offices on Capitol Hill Thursday, Capito, R-W.Va., called Biden’s budget for fiscal year 2024 a stealth tax increase on small business owners while ignoring the military support or funding for the southern border.“The presidential budget is pretty much dead on arrival... Read More
  • WASHINGTON (WV News) — During a virtual press conference Thursday, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito spoke at length about what she claims are pitfalls in President Joe Biden’s proposed federal budget, calling it “dead on arrival.”Capito said the proposal is an “expression of the president’s priorities,” which she said she does not share and could be detrimental to the American public.“These are misplaced priorities,” Capito said. “The president is prioritizing more and more spending. We’ve seen over... Read More
  • U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., a member of the senate commerce, science, and transportation committee and the senate appropriations committee, announced $3,018,536 from the federal aviation administration (faa) through the airport infrastructure grant program – including $2,053,888 for North Central West Virginia Airport and $964,648 for West Virginia Yeager International Airport.The funding was made available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and supports... Read More
  • MORGANTOWN — Sen. Shelley Moore Capito talked with members of the West Virginia press on Thursday, covering the Biden budget, carbon sequestration, the Pleasants Power Station and Medicare.President Biden has proposed a $6.9 trillion budget paid for, in part, by $5.5 trillion in tax hikes across 10 years. The budget represents Biden’s priorities, Capito said. “Honestly, these are misplaced priorities.”And it’s dead on arrival, she said.White House fact sheets say, “President Biden believes... Read More
  • The top Environmental Protection Agency official on water policy reassured senators on Wednesday that the agency will give states flexibility in deciding how to spend the $48 billion for water and wastewater funds that was included in the bipartisan infrastructure bill.“The states are very much in the driver's seat in selecting the projects that really meet the needs of their residents,” said Radhika Fox, the assistant administrator for water at the EPA.At the hearing, West Virginia Sen. Shelley... Read More
  • CHARLESTON, WV (LOOTPRESS) — U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced $5,561,366 from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for a research project at West Virginia University (WVU).Specifically, the project aims to improve the overall understanding of methane and other emissions from storage tanks at upstream oil and natural gas sites. “West Virginia University continues to be a leader in a variety of research fields across the... Read More
  • PARKERSBURG — In addition to setting maximum contaminant levels for C8, Tuesday’s proposed EPA rules also tighten the focus on its replacement, GenX, and related chemicals.C8, or PFOA, was phased out of the manufacturing process at the Washington Works plant in Washington, W.Va., and has not been used there and at other sites since before Chemours’ creation in 2015, said Cassie Olszewski, media relations and financial communications manager for Chemours. It was replaced in 2012 by... Read More
  • Maj. Holli Nelson, the director of strategic communications and governmental affairs for the West Virginia National Guard, served as a military mentor for the 61st United States Senate Youth Program held March 4-10, 2023, in Washington, D.C. USSYP military mentors represent their individual Service components and serve as role models for the 104 student delegates, two from each state, the District of Columbia, and the Department of Defense Education Activity. The DoD looks for military mentors... Read More
  • March 15, 2023


    washington, d.c. — A new “good neighbor” rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency will restrict smokestack emissions from power plants and other industrial sources that burden downwind areas with smog-causing pollution they can’t control. Nearly two dozen states will have to cut harmful industrial emissions of nitrogen oxide and other pollutants to improve air quality for millions of people living in downwind communities.The final rule, issued Wednesday, will save thousands of lives,... Read More
  • PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WCHS) — The EPA is finally acting to limit so-called "forever chemicals," including some that have roots in West Virginia, in drinking water.Officials with the agency said it will save lives and prevent serious illness.At a Wood County chemical plant, the so-called forever chemicals that once were produced for things such as waterproof clothing and non-stick frying pans may have found their way into the drinking water of some 200 million Americans.Exposure to the PFAS family... Read More
  • WASHINGTON (AP) — A new “good neighbor” rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency will restrict smokestack emissions from power plants and other industrial sources that burden downwind areas with smog-causing pollution they can’t control. Nearly two dozen states will have to cut harmful industrial emissions of nitrogen oxide and other pollutants to improve air quality for millions of people living in downwind communities.The final rule, issued Wednesday, will save thousands of... Read More
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Wednesday morning announced finalized new rules on interstate air pollution, regulating downwind interstate pollution.The latest “Good Neighbor” rule will affect nitrogen oxide pollution that is a key ingredient in smog from facilities in 23 states. On a call with reporters, EPA Administrator Michael Regan estimated about 80 million people in the U.S. live in areas downwind of smog pollution.“We know air pollution doesn’t stop at the state... Read More
  • Your MM host caught up with Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) on credit card companies’ decision to delay the introduction of a dedicated merchant code for gun stores that had been a top priority for Democratic policymakers.“I was a bit surprised but I’m glad that it has been paused,” said Capito, who was among the policymakers who blistered the card companies late last summer. Political pressure from the Hill, along with state-level efforts on the part of Republicans to block use of the code,... Read More
  • MT. ZION — A U.S. senator from West Virginia took her West Virginia Girls Rise Up program to Calhoun County Middle High School on Monday to promote female empowerment, education, fitness and self-confidence.U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., met and spoke with fifth- and sixth-grade female students participating in the program. She talked about her personal experience as a female leader.“Women in West Virginia and across the world should be inspired and encouraged every day to work toward... Read More