WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump pledged on Wednesday to put an “extremely big dent” in the scourge of drug addiction in America as he signed legislation intended to help tackle the opioid crisis, the deadliest epidemic of overdoses in the country’s history. 

Nearly 48,000 people died last year from overdoses involving opioids. Overall, U.S. drug overdose deaths have started to level off, but Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar says it’s too soon to declare victory. 

The legislation will add treatment options and get the U.S. Postal Service to screen overseas packages for a synthetic form of opioids called fentanyl that are being shipped largely from China. 

The measure mandates advance electronic data on all international packages, including those delivered by the Postal Service, and set deadlines for the screening to be put into place by the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection and the Postal Service. 

Both Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., applauded the bill’s final step Wednesday. 

“Having put so much work into shaping this legislation, I was honored to be at the White House today as President Trump signed it into law,” Capito said in a press release posted on her website. 

“With the president’s signature, we are able to finally deliver on our promise for a robust, comprehensive response to the opioid epidemic that is plaguing West Virginia and so many other state across the country. For West Virginia, this law will more than double the state’s opioid funding because of a provision I secured to prioritize states like ours. This bill also addresses more than just addiction; it also focuses on families, prevention, education, and life after recovery. I’m so proud of the work that went into this bipartisan legislation, and I’m eager to see how it changes lives for the better.” 

Manchin issued a similar statement Wednesday. 

“I applaud President Trump for signing this opioid package that will help our country and West Virginia better fight and end the opioid epidemic,”Manchin said in the statement. “In our state, we know all too well the devastating impact the opioid epidemic has had on West Virginians, their families and our communities. We have the highest overdose rate per capita of any state in our nation.” 

Manchin said the bill contained provisions he pushed for, including Jessie’s Law and a provision that will ensure that West Virginia receives its fair share of federal funding to fight the opioid epidemic. 

“… I made sure that this bill included a set aside for states like West Virginia where mortality rates are through the roof,” Manchin said. “This language more than tripled the amount of funding coming to our state for this coming year and will have a real impact on every West Virginian who is struggling with a substance use disorder. I also fought to include Jessie’s Law to strengthen the language that we previously passed to prevent overdoses by giving medical professionals the information that they need about a patient’s addiction. This package is a shining example of what we can achieve when we work together in regular order.” 

Manchin’s release also included comments from the family of Jessie Grubb, for whom Jessie’s Law is named. 

“We are extremely grateful to Congress for enacting Jessie’s Law,” said David Grubb, Jessie’s father. “And we are especially thankful for Sen. Manchin’s leadership in this crucial effort. Sadly, nothing can bring Jessie back to us. However, this legislation will save lives and prevent similar tragedies from devastating other families.” 

Kate Grubb, Jessie’s mother, said the legislation would have made her daughter proud. 

“Jessie would have been so thrilled to know that her life and death had such a far-reaching impact in combating the stigma of substance abuse and saving countless lives,” she said. 

Jessie Grubb was a Charleston native who died after being prescribed 50 oxycodone pills following surgery. Grubb had battled addiction for years, but had been sober for six months prior to the surgery. The discharging doctor was unaware of the addiction when he gave her the prescription, despite Grubb having notified her doctors. 

The Obama administration secured a commitment to expand treatment and Congress provided $1 billion in grants to states. Trump declared the opioid epidemic a national emergency and two major funding bills have passed under his watch. 

“My administration has also launched an unprecedented effort to target drug dealers, traffickers and smuggler,” Trump said. “We are shutting down online networks, cracking down on international shipments and going after foreign traffickers like never before.” 

The White House says the Justice Department has shuttered a large “Darknet” distributor of drugs, and in August indicted two Chinese nationals accused of manufacturing the shipping fentanyl and 250 other drugs to at least 25 countries and 37 states. 

Fentanyl is inexpensive but some 50 times more powerful than heroin, according to Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio., who was recognized at the East Room event along with other lawmakers instrumental in getting the bill passed. 

Despite Trump’s calls for using the death penalty against major drug dealers, his administration has built on the treatment approach that Obama favored. 

The legislation covers not only opioids but also any kind of substance abuse. It expands Americans’ access to treatment and changes the law that prohibited Medicaid from reimbursing residential treatment at certain facilities with more than 16 beds. 

It includes $60 million for babies born dependent on these drugs and authorizes a variety of programs, such as drug courts that work to get offenders into treatment instead of behind bars. 

“Together we are going to end the scourge of drug addiction in America,” Trump said. “We are going to end it or we are going to at least put an extremely big dent in this terrible problem.” 

Trump also recognized more than 20 corporations for private sector commitments to fight the opioid crisis.