WASHINGTON, D.C. (WSAZ) -- U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito came back from a congressional delegation trip to Afghanistan and Kuwait earlier this week. 

During her trip, Senator Capito met with West Virginians with the 863rd Military Police Unit from the West Virginia Army National Guard, based out of Glen Jean, West Virginia. 

“After having the opportunity to once again visit this region of the world, I have a stronger understanding of the progress we’ve made when it comes to counter-terrorism efforts, as well as the potential national security threats that exist,” Senator Capito said. “It was clear to me during this trip that the areas our military is working on in terms of counter-terrorism is exceedingly important to helping the Afghan national forces, national police, and their government secure more of their territory. If we don’t, they face the risk over being overtaken by very violent terrorist groups, which in turn will endanger our homeland. I’m proud of the work that our men and women in uniform are doing there, which ultimately keeps our homeland safe. I was especially proud to have met members of the 863rd Military Police Unit from the West Virginia Army National Guard, based out of Glen Jean, West Virginia. Meeting with these men and women, as well as the other service members was such an honor, and I have the utmost gratitude and respect for their service and sacrifice.”