WASHINGTON, D.C. (WVNS)– U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Gary Peters (D-MI) introduced bipartisan legislation on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019 that aims to reduce health care cost for individuals at risk for diabetes and save long-term costs for Medicare. 

The Preventing Diabetes in Medicare Act will extend Medicare coverage for medical therapy services to Americans with pre-diabetes and risk factors and save long-term care cost for Medicare. 

“With diabetics spending more than twice as much more out-of-pocket on health care, it’s important that Congress take the necessary steps to combat the spread of the disease and contain cost,” Sen. Capito stated. 

According to the release nearly 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes. The release also stated approximately 260,000 West Virginians are currently living with diabetes. 

“This important legislation would allow Medicare beneficiaries to receive coverage of medical nutrition therapy for prediabetes, helping millions of Americans receive the services they need and reducing the massive number of people newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes each year,” Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics President Terri Raymond stated. 

The Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute Reauthorization Act is a bill to reauthorize the independent non-profit corporation established to save Americans money on their health care costs and help patients better understand their diagnostic and treatment options according to the release.