BECKLEY, WV (WVNS) — It’s no question access to clean water and good broadband is an issue in West Virginia. However, help is on the way.
Federal representatives met Thursday, October 14, 2021 in Beckley to discuss improvements to water and broadband infrastructure. Senators Shelly Moore Capito, Joe Manchin and Delaware Senator Tom Carper met with a panel of representatives in water infrastructure and treatment on ways to provide clean water and broadband to rural areas in the state. Senators Capito and Carper are currently pushing a bipartisan bill through the House. The bill received an 89 to 2 yes vote from the Senate.
“Well West Virginia should realize between drinking water and waste water, over 100 million dollars which is a massive increase in the past. But there’s also an emphasis as you heard today as one of the real needs for past”, said Capito.
The bipartisan bill is moving forward in the next steps of the legislative process.