WASHINGTON, D.C. – West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito, along with other U.S. Senators, are pushing for additional financial support for programs that assist victims of sexual and domestic abuse.

The bipartisan group of leaders wrote a letter to the White House, urging President Donald Trump to support programs established by the Violence Against Women Act Programs, which has been around since 1994.

The current law provides federal resources for programs to assist with sexual and domestic abuse or dating violence and stalking.

Capito said a lot of West Virginia's problems can be fixed if the programs receive more funding.

"These are programs that do a lot in our local communities in the Eastern Panhandle. They do great work for not a lot of money, so I just wanted to emphasize how very important these are to me,” said Sen. Capito.

VAWA has been reauthorized by Congress and Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.