WHEELING, W.Va. (WTRF) — West Virginia Northern Community College is receiving $2.2-Million.
The U.S. Department of Education is sending grants to four West Virginia educational institutions that U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito and Joe Manchin announced Monday.
West Virginia Northern Community College says this 5-year grant will dish out $450,000 a year into student success.
So, how exactly is Northern going to spend this money?
President Dan Mosser says they will expand access, ensuring they offer the right programs.
With 2,000 students currently enrolled in programs, they want to also focus on retention and completion of degrees.
Finally, the college wants to look at the data like employment in the region, salaries and professions. They will hire people to study these trends.
“That’s a lot of money for a small community college like us. It’s going to allow us to do things like hire an instructional specialist to work on our online programs and improve those online programs. There are student success coaches, I believe four in the grant, to help students navigate the systems here at the college and complete in higher numbers. And it provides that staff money for those positions.” – DAN MOSSER, PRESIDENT OF WEST VIRGINIA NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE
President Mosser says he hopes the money leverages Northern above other colleges in the state.