The big debate in Washington on Tuesday was President Biden’s new border security plan that one West Virginia senator says is not enough.

In some months, more than a quarter of a million migrants try to come into the U.S. Now the Biden administration wants to cap that at 2,500 per day, and it’s only for people seeking political asylum.

A Congressional delegation recently went to Finland to view its wall along the Russian border, saying the U.S. needs the same with Mexico.

“To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now. The simple truth is there is a worldwide migrant crisis,” said President Joe Biden.

“Finland finally decided they’d had enough. So, we went out to see the wall they built. It’s a metal wall, it’s about 15 feet high. It’s got wire on the top. It’s got all kinds of security cameras,” said Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, (R) West Virginia.

In our region, the big concern is Chinese-made fentanyl that is smuggled through Mexico into the U.S. It is blamed for more than 70,000 deaths per year, especially in the Appalachian states.

Republican leaders say they will challenge the Biden immigration executive order in court, saying it violates the separation of powers because Congress needs to be involved in such decisions.