CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WTRF) — As the war between Israel and Hamas continues, West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito shared where she stands on the horrific events still unfolding.

The Senator said she is standing with Israel after the Israelis were brutally attacked by Hamas, a military organization that is the de facto government of Palestine in the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian territories.

The attacks on Israel came on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.

Senator Capito expressed her sorrow for those in Israel and shared how devastating this attack was.

“My heart just sinks to think of the terror that these children and families and elderly and just this is, I’ve been to Israel more than a few times. It is a wonderful place filled with wonderful people. And these terrorists just rip that apart. But I stand with Israel. I think Israel has to be able to protect itself. And they’re going to be aggressive doing it.”


Senator Capito said that she would fully support Israel’s efforts to retaliate against Hamas.